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In-Class Rehearsal Schedule

Snow Bunnies (Creative Movement & Elementary 1 Thursday)

Monday, May 20 4:45-6:00 (winter scene)

Wednesday, May 22, 4:45-6:00 (finale)

Tuesday, May 28, 4:45-6:15 (winter scene)

Thursday, May 30, 4:45-6:30 (full run-through)


Bees (Elementary 1 Wednesday) and Bluebirds (Elementary 2 Accelerated Tuesday)

Wednesday, May 22, 4:45-6:00 (finale)

Thursday, May 23, 4:45-6:00 (summer scene)

Wednesday, May 29, 4:45-6:30 (summer scene)

Thursday, May 30, 4:45-6:30 (full run-through)


Yellow Birds (Elementary 2 Monday) and Butterflies (Elementary 2 Accelerated Wednesday)

Tuesday, May 21, 4:15-5:30 (spring scene)

Wednesday, May 22, 4:45-6:00 (finale)

Tuesday, May 28, 4:45-6:15 (spring scene)

Thursday, May 30, 4:45-6:30 (full run-through)


Fall Fairies (Ballet 1) and Gnomes (Boys Class)

Tuesday, May 21, 5:15-6:00 (abbreviated autumn scene)

Wednesday, May 22, 4:45-6:00 (individual dances and finale)

Wednesday, May 29, 4:45-6:30 (autumn scene)

Thursday, May 30, 4:45-6:30 (full run-through)


Icicles (Ballet 2-3)

Monday, May 20, 4:00-6:00 (class and winter scene)

Wednesday, May 22, 4:45-6:00 (finale)

Tuesday, May 28, 4:45-6:15 (winter scene)

Thursday, May 30, 4:45-6:30 (full run-through)


Flowers (Ballet 4)

Wednesday, 4:45-6:00 (finale)

Thursday, 4:00-6:00 (class and summer scene)

Friday, May 24, 4:00-5:15 (class and autumn procession)

Wednesday, May 29, 4:00-6:30 (class and summer-autumn scenes)

Thursday, May 30, 4:00-6:30 (class and full run-through)


Autumn Leaves and Soloists (Ballet 5, Antonio, Harris, Aubrey)

Monday, May 20, 4:00-6:00 (class and winter scene - Tia, Lani, Isabella, Hialey, Sofia)

Tuesday, May 21, 4:30-5:30 (spring scene - Taylor, Harris, Julia, Tia)

Wednesday, May 22, 4:00-6:00 (finale)

Thursday, May 23, 4:00-6:00 (class and summer scene - Tia, Antonio, Harris, Julia Landry, Isabella)

Friday, May 24, 4:00-6:00 (class and autumn scene - all soloists/leaves)

Tuesday, May 28, 4:00-6:15 (class and winter/spring scenes - Tia, Lani, Isabella Hailey, Sofia, Julia, Taylor, Harris)

Wednesday, May 29, 4:00-6:30 (class and summer/autumn scenes - all soloists/leaves)

Thursday, May 30, 4:00-6:30 (class and full run-through - all soloists/leaves)


Peter Pan Cast

Monday, May 20: 6:15-8:15 Hook, Smee, Tinkerbell

Tuesday, May 21: 6:15-8:30 Hook and Peter

Wednesday, May 22: 6:15-8:15 All (Magical Animals and Creatures done at 7pm)

Thursday, May 23: 6:15-8:15 Hook, Peter, Wendy, and Tinkerbell

Friday, May 24: 6:15-8:15 Hook, Peter, Wendy, Crocodile, and Tinkerbell

Saturday, May 25: 2-5 All (Magical Animals done at 3; Magical Creatures & Mrs. Darling done at 4)

Monday, May 27: 2-4 Hook, Peter, Wendy, Crocodile, and Tinkerbell

Tuesday, May 28: 6:30-8:15 All (Magical Animals and Creatures done at 7pm)

Wednesday, May 29: 6:45-8:15 All (No Magical Creatures, Animals, Mrs. Darling)

Thursday, May 30: 6:45-8:15 All (Magical Animals, Creatures, and Mrs. Darling done at 7:15pm)

In-Class rehearsal instructions & etiquette

Please contact the office if you are unable to attend for any reason. These rehearsals are extremely important; failure to attend rehearsals may result in removal from the concert. If you are unsure which class your child is in, please contact the office or check your child's enrollment by going to your account and clicking on the "Classes" tab.


Rehearsal attire is the same as ballet class attire. Check your dancer in at the office, and they will either be directed to the dressing room or taken into the studio. You may send your child with non-electronic personal items to keep them occupied (books, activity pages, etc.). Mark all items clearly with the dancer’s first and last name. Coloring materials, crafts, and books will be available at the studio, and we will have a G-rated movie playing upstairs. Students will be monitored at all times by Academy staff or approved volunteers.


Parents are not permitted to remain in the building unless you have been confirmed as a backstage helper. Academy faculty and SYB volunteers will be identified with nametags.

Dress rehearsal schedule

Dressing Room volunteers: Please arrive at the theater15 minutes before the time your assigned class is scheduled to arrive (your child can arrive with you)

TBD           Load-in at theater

3:45-4:00  Winter scene arrive at theater (Cr. Mvt, Elem 1 Th, Ballet 2-3, Tia, Lani, Hailey, Sofia, Isabella)

4:00-4:20  Winter blocking; Spring scene arrive at theater by 4:15 (Elem 2 Mon, Elem 2 Acc. Wed., Taylor, Harris, Julia)

4:20-4:40  Spring blocking; Summer scene arrive at theater by 4:35 (Ballet 4, Elem 1 Wed., Elem 2 Acc Tue, Harris, Landry, Antonio)

4:40-5:00  Summer blocking; Autumn scene arrive at theater by 4:55 (Ballet 1, Boys Class, Aubrey)

5:00-5:20  Autumn blocking

5:20-6:45  The Seasons run-through

6:45-7:00  break; dancers not in Peter Pan dismissed at 7:00

7:00-7:20  Peter Pan blocking

7:20-8:30  Peter Pan run-through

Performance day schedule

Dressing Room volunteers: Please arrive at the theater15 minutes before the time your assigned class is scheduled to arrive (your child can arrive with you)


11:30-12:00 Crew arrive at theater

11:45-12:00 Peter Pan cast arrive at theater

12:00-12:45 Warm-up class - Ballet 3-5, soloists and guest artists

1:00-2:00    Peter Pan run-through

1:15-1:30    Ballet 2 arrive at theater

1:45-2:00    Ballet 1 arrive at theater

2:00-2:45    open stage

2:00-2:15    Creative Movement and all Elementary classes arrive at theater

2:30            House Opens

3:00            Summer Concert starts; dancers appearing only in Peter Pan arrive at theater

~3:50-4:10   Dancers not in Peter Pan will be dismissed to the lobby

~5:00          Summer Concert ends

theater instructions & etiquette

Drop off and pickup. When you arrive at The Fox, please enter through the Stage Door on 1st Avenue (it is labeled Stage Door and is the only door in the building so marked). Do not enter through any other door, even if you see other people doing so (they are likely crew members). Our volunteer staff will check your child in and take them to their dressing room. It may take several minutes for your child to be checked in and taken to their dressing room, as multiple classes will be arriving at the same time.

            On Friday, students can be picked up from the Stage Door. Make sure a staff member signs them out first.

            On Saturday, parents must pick their dancers up from the door on the north end of the Fox lobby (the side near the Box Office/Sprague Ave). This process will take several minutes, so feel free to use your wait time to brag about your child’s great performance to all your friends!


What to wear to the theater. All costumes and headpieces will be brought to the theater and will be in the dancers’ dressing rooms when they arrive. Dancers are responsible for their tights and ballet shoes. Underwear should not be worn with tights. Please do not come in your leotard – instead, wear loose-fitting clothing such as a sundress, zip- or button-up shirt and bottoms, or bathrobe to make changing into and out of costume easier. It’s also helpful to come with your tights already on (no underwear underneath). Please label all items with your child’s first and last name.


What to bring to the theater. Please send your child to the theater with a water bottle, labeled with their name (absolutely no food! This is a theater rule that we must respect or lose access to the theater. Please make sure your child has had a meal before coming to the theater). Please also send your child with a quiet activity that can occupy them while they are waiting for their turn to dance. Absolutely no jewelry should be worn! Additionally, wash off any temporary tattoos, temporary hair color, etc. Be sure to label all your child’s belongings, including clothing, shoes, and water bottles with their first and last name. See Hair and Makeup section for detailed instructions.


What to take home from the theater. Costumes purchased for the AOD concert must be taken home after the concert. Do not take home SYB costumes or any props.


Closed rehearsal. Only designated AOD/SYB volunteers will be allowed backstage at any time during the rehearsal or performance. (They will be identified with staff name badges.) This is a security precaution because our volunteers do not necessarily know every parent of every student; additionally, we need to maintain structure and order backstage and apply the rules equally to everyone. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.


Backstage etiquette. Dancers and backstage volunteers, please familiarize yourself with these rules:

  • Backstage volunteers must be obeyed by all dancers.

  • Dancers must not leave the theater without an adult, and dancers must not leave their dressing room without permission from an adult.

  • Each dancer is responsible for keeping track of their costumes, props, and personal belongings. Do not touch another person’s belongings without permission.

  • Do not touch any prop that you do not dance with (Volunteers, this applies to you too! Do not move a dancer’s prop unless they ask you to place it).

  • Remain quiet backstage. Cell phones must be turned to airplane mode or Do Not Disturb.

  • Volunteers must wear their staff name badges at all times.

  • When someone gives you a piece of information such as “15 minutes until the show starts,” acknowledge you heard the information by responding “Thank you” and some piece of the information conveyed, such as “thank you 15”

hair and makeup


Dancers in all levels will wear their hair in a high bun (with the ponytail at the crown of the head). Bangs should be slicked back and pinned close to the head. “Fly-aways” and wispy hair should be slicked back with hair gel or mousse. The bun should be secured to the head with hairpins and a hairnet should go over the bun (you can find packs of hairnets by Goody at most drug stores). Try to make the bun as flat as possible.


Here are some video tutorials to help you make the perfect ballet bun:

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Above: Correct placement of a performance high bun.


Makeup Tips

  • Use matte finishes for all makeup (no shimmer, glitter, or frosted). The stage lights will reflect shininess and make you look sweaty.

  • A gel eyeliner and a tiny brush is a lot easier to control than traditional tube liquid eyeliner

  • Do not apply lipstick before getting into costume!


Makeup Instructions for Creative Movement, Elementary, and Ballet 1-3

Note for Parents: Applying makeup to a small child (especially eye makeup) can be a frustrating experience for both parent and child. Do the best you can and don’t worry if you’re not able to follow all the steps. Above all, we want your child’s performance experience to be a happy one, and we would rather see a happy child with incomplete makeup onstage than one with mascara running down their cheeks because they are upset!


Basic stage makeup for Creative Movement, Elementary, and Ballet 1-3

pink blush, medium brown eyeshadow, and mascara. You can also fill in their eyebrows and outline their hairline with a brown pencil if they are very fair. We will apply lipstick at the theater. Boys do not need makeup but can wear a little bit of contour under their cheekbones and some brown or black eyeliner on the top lid line to add definition to their faces.


More advanced/complete stage makeup for Creative Movement, Elementary, and Ballet 1-3

  • Eyebrows: fill in the eyebrows if they are light or patchy. Do not change the shape or thickness of the brows.

  • Hairline (optional): if your child is particularly fair-haired, you can use an eyebrow pencil to lightly trace their hairline. This helps visually separate the hair from the scalp so they don’t look bald on stage.

  • Eyeshadow: highlight the lid and underneath the brow bone in white or ivory if the child has a light skin tone, or in a light beige if the child’s skin tone is dark. Then use a thin brush to apply a medium-to-dark brown shadow just to the crease, following the natural contour of the eye. Blend this line outward.

  • Eyeliner and mascara: Use black liner (preferably liquid, gel, or pen) to line the top lash line. Extend the line slightly past the outer corner of the eye. For the bottom lash line, line from the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the eye, then extend the line parallel to the top line. Do not join the top and bottom lines. Highlight between the lines in white. Apply mascara if you are brave!

  • Cheeks: Apply bright rosy or peachy pink blush along the cheekbones and blend.

  • Powder: lightly apply powder to the whole face to set the makeup.

  • Lips: lipstick should not be applied until the dancer has put on their costume. Our dressing room volunteers will have lip color and individual applicators to apply when students arrive at the theater.


Here are some videos showing stage makeup application for young dancers:

Makeup Instructions for Ballet 4-5

Same as the advanced/complete instructions from above, plus the folowing:


  • Use a contour shade (this can be an actual contour or even brown eyeshadow) just underneath your cheekbones to define them, taking care not to blend too low

  • Apply false eyelashes (let the glue set for 30 seconds before attempting to put on the lash)

  • Instead of lining your waterline (not very sanitary), put your lower eyeliner a little bit below your lash line so you can put white above it. This will make your eyes appear larger on stage.


Here is a video showing correct stage makeup application (created by one of our Academy dancers, Ally)

stage makeup photo.jpeg

Above: ballet stage makeup. Note the placement of the eyeliner especially.

Photography & Videography

A professional video by KDK-1 Digital Media will be available for purchase at (an order form will be available closer to the show date). We have worked with this company several times in the past and they always do great work. This year they are only providing digital recordings; however, they are nicely packaged and can be stored with your DVD collection. No other videography is allowed at the performance as video cameras are a nuisance to fellow audience members.


Flash photography is strictly prohibited as it can temporarily blind and disorient them, which can lead to falls and injuries. Flash photography is strictly prohibited as it can temporarily blind and disorient them, which can lead to falls and injuries. Our official photographer, Melissa Allen, will be taking professional photos at dress rehearsal (these are separate from the posed photos we’ll be taking at the studio after the concert). These photos will be available for purchase at the following options:

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tickets & seating

Tickets can be purchased from The Fox Box Office (509-624-1200) or purchased online at Prices are as follows:

  • Adults $25

  • Students (13-17) and seniors (65 an older) $20

  • Children (12 and younger) $15


This price includes the $3/ticket historical preservation fee charged by The Fox but does not reflect taxes. If you order through TicketsWest there is an additional booking fee, so we recommend ordering directly from The Fox.


All proceeds for the concert go to Spokane Youth Ballet to help fund the performance.


Dancers who are not in SYB and would like to stay to watch the second half of the show do not need to purchase a ticket unless parents want to guarantee their child can sit with them.


A livestream of the performance will be available through The Fox. You will be able to purchase access to the livestream through The Fox Box Office.


All seating is reserved. The house will open 30 minutes before the start of the performance.

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